The race for intense sensation (2/2)


The race for intense sensation Part.2

Manage and optimise your sensations

If you have not read the first part, we invite you to discover it to learn more about the concept of sensation: DISCOVER PART 1

Managing your sensations

Patience, emotion and two-thirds - one-third

Once these sensations have been identified, the challenge is to manage them. For their management is one of the keys to performance. In fact, according to our athlete Laurent Valette, poor governance can prove self-destructive. Especially when the sensation crosses the incredibly thin boundary that separates it from the emotion... "The risk is really that we let ourselves get carried away. We must be able to channel this feeling of well-being, so that it lasts as long as possible. "

A specific example? "On the Marathon des Sables, I ran with Simone Kayser, a Luxembourgish womanwho is a three-times winner of the event. During the first few kilometres, she asks me how I feel. I reply that I feel like I’m in very good shape. She then advises me to keep up with her pace, nice and gently, even if I get a little frustrated. She repeated her question 10 kilometres from the finish line, receiving for the same answer from me, and then urged me to pick up the speed. It was magical to be able to finish strongly. At the end, she asked me about what I'd learned during this race and in my head it was very clear: patience! "Based on this example, a recommendation that is applicable to all: follow this two-thirds-one-third rule regardless of the distance. Try to achieve a sensible balance for the majority of the race, before giving everything in the last section.


Optimise your sensations

Intensity, longevity and home remedies.

"Boost your sensations". This is the promise of the SIDAS brand. Margaux Denantes, Product Manager, explains the French company's raison d’être in greater detail: "It means optimising feeling! Our desire is to increase the intensity of the sensation in a given moment, but also to prolong the sensation. To make it stronger and more sustainable." Laurent Tacussel, head of training at SIDAS adds: "Our role is to provide tools that allow us to take full advantage of the present moment by breaking the constraints and risks associated with practising sport... ". It is therefore a matter of building trust. So that the runner can focus only on osmosis with his field of play.

As seen above, the first advice by which to optimise your sensations is to learn how to manage them. And to this end, to be responsive to them. That said, what is certain is that the ability to interpret them will come with experience. One must take the time to discover them, with a sense of calm.

Marie Maligorne, an orthopaedic consultant, confirms that when running, "the preparation of the foot plays a crucial role in ensuring the best possible feeling". She also lists a few recommendations, somewhat more straightforward but quite easy to apply in the short term:

  • "Hydrating well and cutting your nails properly in advance can sound like very mundane advice, but too many people skip this step! "
  • "For long distances, the "tanning" technique is the best way to avoid blisters. Although creams do exist, the completely natural home remedy remains very effective. Basically, it is best to massage your feet with lemon juice and then a moisturising cream the next day, alternating every other day, all week before the race.This makes your skin very resistant! "
  • "Allow time for the shoe you plan to use during the race to adapt. You must acclimatise to the shoe for at least two months before the race day."
  • "Roll a tennis ball under the arch of your foot to relax all of the muscles in the foot. More relaxed muscles are more functional and therefore less susceptible to pain due to tension or other tightness."


Finally, the last essential element to achieve optimal sensation when running: "material synergy". Margaux and Laurent are unanimous: "The key is to find the right mix, create a kind of alchemy between all components: the foot in the right shoe, backed up by the right sole and the right sock! "


The insole as a sensation vector

Comfort, confidence and fluidity


The shoe and sock are two basics whose role has always been evident when it comes to runner sensation. That said, the sole occasionally suffers from a certain degree of anonymity. Unjustified anonymity in view of its major influence in optimising sensation.

Marie Maligorne leans towards this viewpoint: "The insole provides the runner with comfort and confidence. Indeed, it offers stability to the feet, but without constraining its freedom of movement..."  It becomes a kind of guide that will naturally accompany the foot towards the best possible trajectory, by rendering it immune it from the parasitic movements.

Margaux Denantes, product manager, thus justifies the development of a SENSE range, designed to "really boost the sensations of the runner when practicing the sport."  How exactly? "The benefits that we really emphasized are lightness, finesse, flexibility and dynamism." This is thanks to a composition of lightweight materials that enables the reduction of the weight of each sole to 45 grams. Also worth noting is a fairly neutral 2 mm drop, for an "absorbent-propellent" fore-foot. The objective is simple: to assume the role of protecting the foot, while maximising the transmission of information between the head and the legs.

Mission accomplished if we are to listen to Laurent Valette, a SIDAS sole-owner for almost 10 years, and thoroughly convinced by the SENSE range: "The feeling of fluidity and efficiency is impressive: my feet do exactly what I ask them to do. They accurately follow the trajectory I imagined. The touch is ultra-precise and delicate. The feeling of being one with the field of play is incredible..."  The athlete continues: "I don’t want to switch to discussing marketing, but the phrase "to try it, is to adopt it as your own" makes sense! Now, when I take them off, I’m uncomfortable, clumsy. There's a real before/after contrast when you put on these soles! "This is a good thing, the after is going to be great: there are many kilometres ahead of us.

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